Conventional Services Vs.Modern Services

The advent of technology is one of the greatest discovery man has ever contributed. Through the years, improvement in technology changed the way how business is done. The birth of computers and information technology touched every aspect of human life. The impact of information technology is inevitable. It does not only change lives but also revolutionized the world of business. Because we are living in a modern world, business models are also changing as the time passed by. Due to high speed broadband connections the following are the services that changed already.

First, the introduction of e-commerce will replace the traditional buying habits of consumer. Instead of going to malls, consumers can simply surf the internet and click the products they want to buy from websites like Amazon and Ebay.

Second, the traditional writing and sending of letters using papers and envelope has become obsolete. Before, letters were sent to the post office and it usually takes one week for the receiver before they can receive the letters. Now letters and messages can now be sent through emails.

Third, music industry has also been affected .Before, people buy CD’s and tapes of their favorite singer but in the modern times music is downloadable .Downloading of music in the internet creates an issue because it does not have the copyright or the permission of the singer and the recording company.

Lastly , Funeral parlor like St. Peter Life Plan offers new and unique services like E-burol and E-libing wherein it allows relatives and friends residing abroad to pay respect to their departed loved ones without going to the chapel.

All the changes that have been have mentioned are already taking place into realization. As technology further improves new products and services will come out of the market and will continue to change the traditional way of doing services.

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